Asterius's first design and current design - i like both to be honest

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Asterius's little sister Phaedra. As part of a commission. Refrenced a lot of Minoan clothing to draw her.

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detail shots of the boys' mugs because twitter's image compression sucks. i'm very fond of asterius's little hair curl, i hope other people can appreciate it as well 💙

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mixing up my mythologies hehe. i present: rat theseus riding asterius to victory in the great race.

Happy year of the ox everyone!!! Asterius's year! 😤

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there's gotta be a reason is so invested in fighting career, right??? and so i humbly offer this possibility:

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aaaaaaand we finally get to part where theseus paints asterius's horns. i've been waiting for this all comic. hehehehe... hope everyone enjoyed this!

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