
A ghoulish creature similar to an Aswang, having wings and a fierce vampiric visage, the Berbalang prefers feasting on fresh corpses it digs from graveyards.

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In addition to the quirk of having two sets of fish tails, the mambubuno also commands the ability to control time. An hour spent being tortured in its lair is about equal to a year.

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A vampiric creature that resembles a hornless goat with large ears and a long tail. It uses its invisibility to sneak in the dark as it hunts for children.

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The Mameleu is a sea serpent with its head and horns the size of a water Buffalo, but whose body can stretch down to the deepest parts of the ocean. It has fiery eyes and can spit out poisonous venom.

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A one-eyed giant who roams the forests and hills. It announces its presence not just by its thunderous footsteps, but also by its booming laughter. Bungisngis translates to the Cebuano ngisi, meaning giggle.

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