今回の課題はアイデア出しの段階で実験的に にもシチュエーション(Children_lost_in_a_dinosaur_museum_at_night)を与えてみた。生成されたコワかわな恐竜たち。2枚目の右上は恐竜と子どもが融合してる、、!今回は現実寄りな世界観にしたかったので構図と照明だけを取り入れた。

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//Spoilers for "New Deceit's an Old Design" by Sundial_at_Night

this was one of the most powerful scenes i have read in my life

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□Instagram Raffle□
Videogame time

Won by @/sailtearat_night_


3 11

Lettering the 5th issue of Robocop: Citizens Arrest right now. You guys are missing out if you're not picking up this series by , and

3 10