Walking away from a burning house on a surreal SoCal beach in a bizarre
Kiss me Deadly

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The Name is Anton (otherwise know as THE ATOMBOMB!!!)

I draw pretty much whatever I feel and often add erotic story tags to them.

I am on Inkbunny at https://t.co/TWSNXWTH8G

Have fun and remember to wash your hands you filthy makak

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My name is Anton D. Kassing, I am a freelance artist, self taught with 25 years of experience.
my Email is theatombomb035.com

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In 60 Sekunden detoniert die Atombombe! Bringt Familie und Habseligkeiten in den Bunker und überlebt so lange wie möglich - in 60 Seconds! für die Switch! https://t.co/IgkymW7WjT

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