The MPA will face not only mutant compounds on their mission to save their world, but also mutant alloys! One example is the giant juggernaut, Bronze. This is one of the Synvasion Force's elite troops and has a bevy of weaponry at its disposal!

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Meet atomic element Beryllium! He's a farmer from Minimus City's agricultural district who dreams of finding the means to grow crops in any environment-even in space! He's not sure when that day comes, but he believes fortune always favors the prepared.

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Silicon became one of Minimus’s rising celebrities because of her singing and DJing talents. However, that’s all a ruse; she's actually working undercover as the Synvasion Force’s hacker! Electricity is at her disposal, and she can even hop to and from cyberspace!

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Sodium is a rambunctious element who works for the Synvasion Force! He's been tasked with the demolition of Minimus's most ancient cities to eradicate and bury its rich history with his dehydration and sand manipulation powers, much to the dismay of archeologists.

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Boron is a big, burly enforcer with tons of strength to spare! What separates him from the others is that he can absorb any impact, shrugging off most attacks thrown at him! One of Boron's tasks is capturing any "noble" elements he finds and returning them to base!

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Terbium is an on-scene reporter for Channel 65 News. No matter where or how far, she's always there to inform the masses on the happenings around town. Those who see her on TV say she's very sweet! Those who know her personally, not so much.

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Warden Iron is in charge of the Minimus High-Security Prison, which houses all ofte world's most dangerous criminals. He's as strong-willed as they come and takes great pride in his job of keeping inmates in and ONLY in. Don't get on his bad side!

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As the chief of police for Minimus City, it's Calcium's sworn duty to protect its citizens and to uphold its laws. Calcium is very uptight and abides by a strict regimen everyday! Though she's on the side of justice, she's not a fan of the MPA.

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Prof. Xenon is normally a scholar of Element Biology, but is also the acting leader of Hydrogen's team in the MPA. When he's not briefing the team on their missions, he analyzes the enemies the team comes across after their first encounter.

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"Marvelous work, agents, but look alive. Scans show that enemies in the next room can cause electric power shortages at will, putting out all the lights and leaving you in total darkness. Good luck, and watch your step."

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Ever since Helium found Hydro, they grew closer as friends with each passing day. Eventually they learn many things from one another, like compassion, fashion, self-defense...

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Oxygen is a veteran member of the MPA and acts as a guide/counselor. She can hold her own in battle, however, by conjuring bubbles that have a variety of uses such as trapping enemies or allowing comrades to breathe underwater!

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Potassium was a former test subject for the enemy until he ran away. Now he fights as an MPA member to make up for his misdeeds! Potassium is super strong and can pick up enemies to use them as weapons or piledrive them into submission!

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Nitrogen works as a mechanic for the MPA. He can make all sorts of weapons and gadgets in an instant to help MPA agents (including himself) out in the field! He just needs to find the right materials from objects or even enemies!

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Helium is Hydrogen’s cheery, bubbly, and optimistic friend! She is fiercely loyal to all her comrades and always makes an effort to motivate or protect them in their time of need. She excels in long range combat, using a customized umbrella-gun.

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has spent most of his life fending for himself in the streets and alleys of Minimus City, but his life changed the day he met Helium. As an agent of the MPA, he’s quick and light on his feet, and he excels in hand-to-hand combat!

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