Comic reading this weekend: & The Ten Rings (the tournament winnows down a few more); (a nice tie in to film, too bad its already defunct); (never liked Bat-Mite, don't think I'll like Nite-Mite).

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He tenido que explicar en el trabajo que AtomSmasher no es el mismo personaje que Atom, aunque ambos sean de Dc, se llamen parecido, tengan el mismo simbolo y los mismos colores, lleven un traje azul y rojo ceñido con capucha y tengan el poder de cambiar de tamaño.

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Preview de Black Adam: The Justice Society Files - Atom Smasher par , , Travis Mercer, Marco Santucci, John Kalisz, Michael Atiyeh chez

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⚛ O Esmaga-Átomo sendo mais falado em uma semana do que foi em anos graças à dois pôsteres e uma cena de 1 segundo.

Ele é o momento !

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Las nuevas portadas de los cómics de saldrán pronto a la venta.
Con el 6 de septiembre
Y el 4 de octubre.

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🇯🇵では 12月2日(金) 公開予定。

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New covers of the tie in comics for featuring (out September 6th) and (out October 4th).

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To continue the promotion of the members of the will be getting their own canonical prequel comics!

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New looks at and have been revealed as official variant covers for ’ ‘BLACK ADAM: THE JUSTICE SOCIETY FILES’

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Albert, er, Al Rothstein is a Jewish meta gifted strength & mass/size-shifting powers by hereditary radiation exposure; as he aided the legacy hero team before becoming to aid the at times, he's even aided

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Incredible unofficial concept art for and by sure build up hype for 😱😱#impressive

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Artes conceptuales de la próxima película la cual protagoniza ademas confirmo que aparecerán los personajes y y formaran la 🔥🔝

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