H is for Harpy
A proud warrior race
You would be too
With a beak on your face

2 5

G is for Gargoyle
Perching high, statuesque
Just a decorative piece
So he must be grotesque

1 2

E is for Elephant
That floor's looking cracked
Hope he had a good trip
Because his trunk has been pached

There's a trinket nobody wants
he got as a gift
it's probably best
not to talk about it

3 8

D is for Dragon
A deep wish fulfilled
With horns, wings, and fire breath
Who wouldn't be thrilled?

3 14

C is for cow, that bell holds a curse
Her body now growing in size
She may need some help with that sensitive udder
As the changes spread up past-her-eyes

2 13

For I have my first entry in my

A is for Armadillo
His skin is so tough and dense
He's so happy he's smiling
As he gains +3 defense

4 10