to be fair atropine Can shapeshift at will but i wanna have a consistentish sona so theyre just here like

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ATROPINE. Commodore 64. 160x200 pixels + sprites in all borders. Multicolor mode, 16 colors.

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Man I shouldve posted this back nung pride but ehh. It has my new watermark but this is old. But everyday is pride. Happy pride from my non binary pansexual oc atropine

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The sweet, shiny black berries of the Deadly Nightshade contain Atropine, which cause rapid heartbeat, confusion, hallucinations and seizures when ingested, hence the rhyme:

Hot as a hare
Blind as a bat
Dry as a bone
Red as a beet
Mad as a hatter

13 47

New vampire gal drawing, expect a new vampire video soon on atropine asmr's channel

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The sweet, shiny black berries of the Deadly Nightshade contain Atropine, which causes rapid heartbeat, hallucinations and seizures when eaten.

In Scotland it was believed that walking over Deadly Nightshade plants would make you see the ghosts of dead people.

13 42

Time to announce winners! won our out-of-state category with this piece of Jimsonweed and the molecule atropine. Stay tuned for the news release later this week for more info!

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bel·la·don·na /ˌbeləˈdänə/

deadly nightshade.

a drug prepared from the leaves and root of deadly nightshade, containing atropine. :)

"Beautiful Lady"

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In the middle ages it was believed that witches anointed their bodies with a tincture of Deadly Nightshade to induce the sensation of flying or being changed into animals, as the Atropine in the berries causes hallucination, confusions and convulsions.

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The sweet, shiny black berries of the Deadly Nightshade contain Atropine, which cause rapid heartbeat, hallucinations and seizures when eaten.

In Scotland it was believed that walking over Deadly Nightshade plants would make you see the ghosts of dead people.

16 45

Remember hallmark ADE of irinotecan(diarrhea)➡️I-RAN🏃‍♂️-TO-the-CAN🚽
Genomics plays a🔑role

Isoforms in UGT1A*28⤴️SN-38 ⤴️neutropenia🦠&diarrhea🚽

Fun Fact:Mechanism of early diarrhea➡️🚫acetylcholesterases Rx💊Atropine!

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Yandere mom is best mom; meet my oc Aedra Atropine

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