Hello~ this is THE IRONMOOSE famous vtuber person~ Bow down mortals~
AtticFox? who that? A shape-shifting vtuber? never heard of em~

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Hello, I am AtticFox~

No, Attic is not a fox vtuber...

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Hello, Usattic here and totally not Atticfox trying to hijack this tweet~

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Salutations, I am AtticBot. Not to be mistaken for AtticFox or AtticNyan, they are entirely different vtubers and they are not to be mistaken as me, AtticBot. It is nice to meet you all, have a nice day!

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Hello, AtticNyan is here! This is not Atticfox, he is totally a different vtuber not to be mistaken as me, AtticNyan~
One of my fav vtubers and so happens to be a cat vtuber is . You guys should check her out if you hadn't already

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Arknights Fan art Collab with DONE!

Shining Chibi Lineart by: Relukki
BG and colors by: AtticFox

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