

HO nox : Lauro Bernardi - 谷岡さん
HO astrum : Audace Bernardi - 20℃さん


END:B 両者生還 ✨

1 5

Senza ambizione e senza progetti
decidiamo che la vita è solo questa
sostituiamo la luce al buio...
Voglio esiliarmi in un giardino
dove le burrasche restano fuori
dove sulla bocca di tutte le viole
c’è l’audace avventura del poco.

Jan Matson

11 19

La ilustradora italiana es es reconocida por su estilo vibrante rico en texturas y pinceladas atmosféricas, sus ilustraciones son audaces y con un flujo natural.

0 1

As de espadas
“Determinacion y resolucion a traves de acciones audaces. Esta carta significa tener la capacidad mental de planear y conseguir objetivos a largo plazo”

18 124

No, non si resiste al troppo amore, ai baci avuti e dati in una sera sola!
Vorrei svenarmi, pazzo d'amore, audace di beltà, fermare il cuore che vola
Pier Paolo Pasolini

Jacques Leclerc The Rose and Butterfly

22 56

Excited to announce that my work that I submitted for the by will be shown at the 🔥🔥

28 71

I wanted painting all my dream&bringing them to life But life wasnt kind It broke my hands,my heart,It took everyth.
l've never been able to give anyth. to the world,this is my sorrow forever
This is upside down of me, beauty,sad but full of spring gift to the world

4 11

- Who?!

My name is Mason Mātak, an Awarded Illustrator from Iran.
I believe about the miracle of Art, what can make revolutions in soul, mind and society.

This is My piece for

4 13

As a human we born free like clouds ,we don't have shape we change every second we die and reborn in every second , but we make character for our self like name, job, ideology .we are going heavy like mountains and rocks, the we lost our freedom.

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I am a digital painter inspired by abstract. I find human form in abstractions, use erasure on my own artwork/photographs into many layers, sculpting those -further painting to create my art. I enjoy showing our connection to each other and the world around us.

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Hi, I'm a painter. I always show my feelings and anxiety in my works.

About this piece I always feel like somebody's watching me
These noises, strange voices keep hunting me in the shadows and you'll know I wasn't joking when you see them too!...

16 26


This me. I'm an artist (maybe underated). My arts based on exploring spontaniety and simple art. I'm inspired from Henry Matisse's cutout paper and develop with my style. In spontaniety drawing, I find spiritual depth and meaning my whole life.

4 6

Hello,my name is Svetlana.✨
I’m traditional and digital artist.
I draw everything what I like, I don't have any particular themes and putting a piece of my soul into my art.

My self portrait with description.

•The guiding star•

3 15

Good Morning, NFT world!
Here is "Rinnka", entry to art contest 🖼️
Her name is Kate, a self-taught digital artist, and this is the way she sees herself in Web3 🌼

(she herself is shadow banned, hence her reply via me)

20 33

I’m a computer worm. All life and all the world flies by, while I watch it from the sidelines through a cold monitor screen. I'm not sad. I am not amused. This is my little world. Though something in the darkness whispers to me that it's all wrong.


1 3

Good Morning, NFT world!
Here is "Rinnka", my entry to art contest 🖼️
I am Kate, a self-taught digital artist, and this is the way I see myself in Web3 🌼

37 92