Okay. I’m switching WIPs to The Chronicles of Henny ‘cause seasons are boring as shit in Soul Connections.😬
Good fall times with minimal food involvement.👇🏻

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Day 24 Author/illustrator
Did page 11-14. I realised pushing through huddles of inadequecy is a skill that never grow old. Even after illustrating 7 picture books, I can still be stucked. Have the grace to accept it.

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The Road Home:
MARHAR - spoilers.

The Chronicles of Henny:
Henny’s current love interest just packed her bags and left. 😬 I don’t expect her to return.

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“Why does your antag hate your MC?”

The Road Home:
No major physical antag...

The Price of Humanity:

The Chronicles of Henny:
MC/antag Henny is loved by all!😃😂😂

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“You meet a character on vacation and instantly click with them. Who is it, and what drew you in?”

Henny from The Chronicles of Henny. He’s super charismatic. 🤣

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3 redeeming factors for my antag?

Henny from The Chronicles of Henny:
- He’s hilarious.
- He’s a go getter.
- Um... he’s never actually saved a cat but he does hit on one in Volume 4. 🤷‍♀️😂

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Az's world in general is unique, and the below picture is a close approximate:

- The mysterious glimmer Caldera
- Floating islands and rocks
- Unique flor and Fauna, including 'living plasma'

Commission done by https://t.co/verj6WQeTc

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