Just a response to the post going around called "Pathologizing Autism." Ya girl here is on the spectrum so yeah...what the heck would be considered "appropriate play skills?"

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"Social contact can be frightening for people with autism."(自閉症の人にとって、社会的接触は恐ろしいことである。)

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"The audio-visual nature of Chatta is very powerful for students with Discover how supports kids with learning https://t.co/qnNbbH2K8t

2 0

The audio-visual nature of Chatta is very powerful for students with Discover how supports kids with learning https://t.co/7FYSZwG3fw

3 1

"The audio-visual nature of Chatta is very powerful for students with Discover how supports kids with learning https://t.co/HygW0vFovS

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