선배 생일축하해요💙 🐶🐯도 같이넣어드림
秋ちゃんお誕生日おめでとう🎊 🐶🐯も一緒に描きました

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가을생일을 맞아 진행하는 !

알티해주신 한 분께 가을에 멋진 사진을 찍을 수 있게 필름카메라📸를 드립니다!

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Só pra não passar em branco
Aproveitando pra postar os chibis que fiz com referência há um tempo também

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Happy birthday to Akihiko (and me 💦🎂)

Thanks to Jez for holding another P3 zine! I think I made this in July but I'm excited to share it now 😊 Please check out the full zine when
posts it!

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My piece for the zine!
Happy birthday Akihiko, you beautiful, wondeful boy!!!

check out the full thing with all the amazing artists!🎂🍂https://t.co/3HluEXQF2d

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Eternal Love
My piece for an Akihiko birthday zine!

Thank you to @/Noctilin for hosting the zine!

Go check out the tweet so you can see all the amazing works by the participants ♥

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I participated in the birthday zine for Sanada Akihiko ;w; the zine is free to download so please check it out!!
Happy birthday best boy of Persona, you’ll always be number one in my heart!!

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🎊 09/22 Happy birthday Akihiko! 🎉

Check out 's tweet for the fanzine details! ↓

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i can finally post my piece for i'm really proud with how this piece came out!!! view the full pdf with all the other lovely pieces of the zine here: https://t.co/tS1DcL6iVI

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