Click on the link to read my latest blog entry: . --- It features vintage ABERCROMBIE & FITCH ad photos, and some of my memories of working at the mall.

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Many fossil mandibles and maxillae of Homo have multiple mental or infraorbital foramina. This happens when the nerves or vessels branch more deeply within the bone, instead of in the superficial tissue. It's not clear why this was more common in some past populations.

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Reconstructing the missing bones in Amurosaurus riabinini. I'm using the known maxillae and quadrate bones to fit in the missing pterygoid bones and using other lambeosaurine hadrosaurs as reference to fill in the gaps.

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Advert for Sayre's Apparatus, 1882. Patient would be suspended by the head and axillae, and wrapped in a plaster-of-Paris jacket. First used by American orthopaedic surgeon Lewis Sayre in 1874 in the treatment of Pott's disease

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Advert for Sayre's Apparatus, 1882. Patient would be suspended by the head and axillae, and wrapped in a plaster-of-Paris jacket. First used by American orthopaedic surgeon Lewis Sayre in 1874 in the treatment of Pott's disease

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