A colored Lin sketch for yall to enjoy! I wonder whats up with those stickers...

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Here's a decent drawing of Veea taking a nap on a decently bad drawing of a bed.

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Missed my normal post window cause I was working on comic stuff getting ready to show soon(ish) but here's another character design for Axis!

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Was just gonna draw Veea but her pose reminded me of an old drawing with her and Reio, so im throwing him in there too!

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Colored it!, was tryna get some line art practice, for the comic. Haven't been doing it enough to get too much better at it.

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In an effort to try to post less art with just a blank gray/white background here's this.... screensaver like bg thinggy I did.

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Actually quite proud of the Line art with this one! Took my time with it though because the homies have been wanting to hang

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Been trying to throw more backgrounds in these drawing since its something I'm gonna have to get into down the line regardless so why not now?

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(#phototaxiscomic) goodnight☺️

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Heres some stuff I've been doing the last couple days. Gotta keep pushing forward!

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Another crack at a character from Axis, who I've never been able to get quite right...

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A little warm up practicing dynamic poses, not sure if this counts as perspective but im tryna practice that too.

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Here's a drawing of Veea for you all to enjoy while I'm working on my comic. Part 2

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Here's a sketch of Veea doing some thing cool and red!

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