We're still feeling the afterglow of the launch of our new website & the all-new ElfQuest Reading Room as part of our "45 Years of ElfQuest" celebration.
This post is just to amplify the positive hum we're buzzing with today. Thank you all for being fans of ElfQuest! Ayoooah!

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Episode 3 of the Audio Movie will livestream on Saturday, April 9th at 5 PM Eastern at the next backers-only Listening Party Event!

Backers, check your inbox (& spam, trash) for that email from ElfQuest Audio Movie elfquest @ dagazmedia dot com. Ayoooah!

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... and we'd love it if you RT this entire thread to help us spread the word and wrap the Audio Movie crowdfunding campaign with a bang. /end

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Ayoooah! Long update w lots of info so click through & read fully!🔛 https://t.co/KxDACCMLDd

We're speechless! 1100+ backers DOUBLED our initial goal, making it possible to elevate the beyond what we had hoped possible! Click👆2 read more!

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