a portrait of a beautiful aztec female, art by lois van baarle and loish and ross tran and rossdraws and sam yang and samdoesarts and artgerm, digital art, highly detailed, intricate, sharp focus, Trending on Artstation HQ, deviantart, unreal engine 5, 4K UHD image

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Commission for Cayacoa, of their Aztec jaguar warrior!

Finished this on stream yesterday; so much fun!

14 62

Commission for Cayacoa, of their Aztec jaguar warrior!

Finished this on stream yesterday; so much fun!

133 687

Usando prompts relacionados a mexico esto es lo que la IA ha creado.
veo temáticas como marichi, dia de muertos, cultura maya/azteca, interesante :3
lo hago con otros paises?

10 77

The Aztecs called those special mushrooms "flesh of the gods" and said they gave one who ate of this flesh a taste of pure, clean, infinite eternity. 🍄❤️‍🔥✨
. an unchained mind and an unbound heart .

7 41

Aztec/Mayan-like clothing really didn't cover much of the body lol

*The more you know...*

The medium green of the Quetzali is nice because I can see it, as green, despite being colourblind.

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Happy Though I did stick a little towards Maya (obvi!) and did Ixchel, the moon goddess associated with… a Rabbit! 🐇 🌙

20 63

I made my to celebrate 春節 Chinese New Year!
As the year of the rabbit began on January 22 in the Chinese lunar calendar and the year of the ended on Sunday, February 26, almost a month coincided with the calendar.

7 51

De acordo com a Wiki oficial. "O principal elenco humano de Onyx Equinox é composto por diferentes povos indígenas [pré-colombianos] do México. Izel e Nelli são Mexica (aka Aztec ou Astecas), K'in e Yun são Maya, Zyanya é Zapotec e Xanastaku é Totonac."

2 39

Zolcihtli a cheerful and horny These are spirits that encourage both vices and inspire the arts, dentro de la cosmovisión

5 35

Los They are non-human demons described by the culture, manifested by collective fears and by sorcery. The more human the more complex the fear, they arise from the force

5 26

And to kick start this last week of the Aztec year of the rabbit, here is Coyolxauhqui, the moon, and all the moon rabbits. And remember, if you post anything rabbit/prehispanic themed this week use the Hashtags

29 131

Onii-sama, en "historia y cultura de las galaxias" aprendimos sobre los aztecas, antigua civilización de la tierra fueron ascendidos por su valentía y poder.
Su magia es poderosa y se enfoca en destrucción, su ropa es linda!
-Moonsight Starfield

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The of Yobasakame, a nahual Ahuenería (witch of the culture) born in the world of spirits and with power over the totem of the zacate.

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In codex style, my favorite deity, With power over: moon, fertility of the earth, pregnancy, sexuality and purification of sins.#prehispanic

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En progreso:
Deidades climáticas de diferentes culturas como parte del Gran ejército fluvial de dos diosas capitanas de las nubes y un dios Coronel Rayo.

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