Yaa yes finally my favorite drawing, reason no.1 for being fav is its baji reason no.2: ✨ shiny hair✨ (blow this tweet up cuz its ✨ baji with shiny hair ✨)

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don't mind baji's wide forehead >.< but BAJI WITH A CAT OR AS A CAT IS SO CUTE~ ❤
- shares and saves are super appreciated ♥
- full color/lineart
- don't repost without credit


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BAJI KEISUKE in his final moments/j💀 isnfnemfks😭✨ presenting my fanart of him❤ if u know my ig, u prolly saw this already😌🤚 anyways idk if im still visible😭


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Baji x Venom 🌚

Last of the series

Watermarkless & HD avilaible + my 5000 WIPs on my Patreon. Print available on Etsy 🥰🖤

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