OH I just read about this follow thing kasjdfasfd OKay!

I'm Lyco and I love Bakudeku O wO/ I tend to make alot of fem dekus. I draw stuff.

49 305

um hi! My name's Linka and I've been working on the NSFW for awhile now and uhh, I'm a huge bkdk fangirl! I've moved from Tumblr to Twitter recently so I'm just kinda getting cozy over here.

41 349

Hoii~ I`m zheilla, and I loveee bakudeku but my favorite char is kacchan <3 . I just find my courage to draw again after i fall for this wonderful ship. can not stop draw them at all.

5 22

HEYA! I'm Redd and I like drawing and making up AUs for the good boyos 💥✊

30 135