happy BALENTINE to my lovely wife ..i love uuuuusoooomuch

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habby balentine day :)
No new art today, sorry ^^;
Here's some of my previous couples art ^^ 💖❤️💕

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็Happy VBalentine Day!
Draw my friends' ocs is so fun
Character cr. :

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“this is for me!”
Happy Balentines Day! 💛

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Habby balentines day :) For Sironya and Yunmengshi

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Pweese be my balentine :’(

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Was so sure I was following you and wondering why I didn't see your posts ever.

Here is my lovely lady Lilith Balentine.

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How about my void addled vampire Kiren Balentine. He is a domain prince of a specific region and Co runs it with his mortal wife.

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Saetrus Duskspear is the oldest child to Luthe Balentine, he died a long time ago but was brought back as this void monstrosity that regained a mortal like form and travels azeroth, once a mindless monster now a man struggling to be normal enough.

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Luthe Balentine, the enigmatic man that became one of the oldest void addled vampires and their leader early on after several failed leaders. He became the prince with the thought he would die early on like the last ones but survived.

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Another of my characters unearthed for appreciation. Saetrus Duskspear, son of Luthe Balentine. I think he has some of my favorite artworks. He's design wise a favorite. Original design by @/Ictus_Serpentis

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お酒に酔った状態でイヤホンして爆音で聴く勇気のカケラが最高にキモチヨすぎてトリップしてしまう。。。ドラムンベース的な暴力性に加えて、シューゲイザー的な没入感もあってたまらん………昔よくベロベロに酔った状態でMy Bloody Balentine聴いてたのを思い出す( ◜ᴗ◝)

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So one of my older characters Luthe Balentine, a loved and hated man equally for his attitude and past. He is a homebrewed race called Ren'layn or void addled vampiric. He is the prince of his kind ushering in peace and quiet.

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drew clowrn for balentines for ,,, love clarn..

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happy balentines

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Here’s a balentines doodle I have something bigger and better I’ll post later today or tomorrow

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