A beautiful illustration by for the 'Ask Smithsonian' Column September issue !! ✨ 🌎 ✨

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Vote for peace! If you'd like to help Ukraine, here's a bunch of links where you can make a donation.⁠ https://t.co/6ceRqCIAq7

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\ インタビューを受けました /


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"I’m particularly fond of pictures that feature the moon. I think the moon is a good subject matter to express a ‘strange’ image."-Baek Yeon https://t.co/soKc49Y5Rq

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"Art encourages me." -Yoshinori Kobayashi https://t.co/EsKOhvqnFj

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"I hope my work would bring people joy and develop their imagination." -Marius Guiet https://t.co/tnv5FErAIe

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"There is something about being away from your home that makes you open to new experiences and it becomes the ideal environment to learn and be creative." -Bistra Masseva https://t.co/9lYcoDyM48

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"I always loved drawing, since I was a child, I studied art in high school because I wanted to be a Disney animator (always dream big)." -Vanessa Rossi https://t.co/n0BKad6qR8

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"Basically, my whole life is great pond of inspiration." -Carolin Diamanti https://t.co/PkhA2VXVNR

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"Art plays a very big part of my life. It’s what I wake up to and go to bed with." -Lisa den Teuling https://t.co/vdn5bgprB6

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ballpitmag에서 간단한 인터뷰를
My interview featured on ballpitmag

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"I think art is one of the most important aspects of what it is to be human, as cliché as that may sound." -Björn Öberg https://t.co/MjzFFnhk6R

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"I see my style as a mix between playful and structured, a combination of illustration and design." -Elen Winata https://t.co/72fL0lV2M8

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"A lot of my day work is ruled by following strict guidelines and processes, so I think I act out in my illustrations by doing the complete opposite." -Rob Lee https://t.co/WvoLM1eAL8

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"Being able to adjust colours globally is also something I really love. Everything looks better when slid -5 on hue!" -Rebecca Mills https://t.co/upUtak9T0l

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"I would like to bring a little joy and more color to people's homes." -Daniela Sattler https://t.co/jzQ5nUNdri

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"A lot of my illustrations are inspired by my daydreams, whether they're realistic or not so much." -Madeline Martinez https://t.co/0GAAOEtOHV

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"During my childhood, I loved drawing. I drew in a garden, drew at school, drew at the university and drew to this day." -Dasha Tihonenko https://t.co/A4SXPrzxWZ

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