Guess who suddenly got into an another fandom?

Anyways, here's my ballsona, Romsketchia, or simply call her Sketchy.
She loves to draw and paint, just like me!

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Also, here are some ballsonas I made before I joined the Twibber.

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fuck it lgballt ballsona moment

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I’ve been seeing monkeyballsonas going around so I thought I’d throw one in too!

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Já jogaram 🔥Dodgeball Academia?🔥

Jogo BR e divertido recomendo demais, gostei tanto q resolvi entrar no jogo😳 fiz a arte e joguei na stream!

Qual das duas finalizações vcs preferem ?

Vou começar a postar mais no insta agr, segue lá tbm 🥰✨

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Tive que fazer minha dodgeballsona, pra honrar a lindeza que é o

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A Stream hoje foi boa demais😳
To quase acabando o desenho e já estamos no sétimo dia do !
E pra fechar com chave de ouro recebi um GANK do 😳 !!! 💙
Vlw pelo gank e por todos q apareceram pra dar um oi!
Quarta feira tem mais as 15h

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Ta quase saindo gente!

Obrigado por aparecerem na stream!
Hoje eu estava bem cansado por isso fiquei um pouco mais quieto 😥

Obgd mesmo por aparecerem e apoiarem ❤️

Chegamos ao fim do dia 5º no jogo!
Segunda começamos o 6º dia e estarei com mais energia!

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Not an ounce of regret. Another revenge attack on featuring his 8 ballsonas.

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uhhhhhhhhhh blaseballsona for funsies yayy

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idk if this is even how blaseballsonas are meant to work im just happy to be here :)

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A couple of doodles I did with Chuck the Chameleon and the puffballsona of my best friend, and she happened to color them herself.
Recently she’s had a real fondness for my little cartoon reptile, and I am both surprised and touched. 🙂

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Meet Cass Astra, my blaseballsona!! A fallen meteor straight from the sky, they now play as a batter for the Hades Tigers sending blaseballs and other spherical objects blazing across the field. They're a bit confused batting with a sword but they've got the spirit.

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This is my ballsona
Football Face Beavis

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Rarement un machin-sona avait été aussi libre. J'aime la liberté, j'aime Gumball, voici mon !!
C'est un chien-cactus, il a des poils doux et très soyeux

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