Thought I'd jump in on the prompts!

Canvas: 30x30 px
Colors: 9

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My entry for Amanda MacFarlane's celebrating 400k followers on her instagram!

Canvas size: 100x100 px
Colors: 16

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First go at a pixel sprite! My D&D character, an Air Genasi desert druid named Zaydra. She has an owl familiar named Mongo.

Canvas size: 100x100px
Colors used: 16

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Another this one is from . Their comic is really cute and I love the color palette.

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My half of an art trade with - she drew my cat Bruce, and I drew her dog Leia! The original is about 3x4".

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La artista de hoy es:
Andrea Bam Illustration.
Sus ilustraciones me encantan, sus suaves y dulces trazos hacen sus obras muy especiales.


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