love Bbang to bits :3 here's my comic for his bday~~^^

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*gif 용국오빠 생일 축하합니다 (♡˙︶˙♡)

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Happy Birthday!! I wish you well and enjoys your birthday <3 <3

11 7

얼굴만 보고있어도 행복해진다는게 무슨 말인지 알게 해준 용국오빠 항상 존경하고 응원하고 사랑합니다♥

143 50

[FANART🎂 ] Happy Bday to our leader, Yongguk 💕 colorxbw 😁

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[FANART] <LOVE DAY SPECIAL> with Yongguk XD (Source: princessbangster @ tumblr)

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[FANART] <LOVE DAY SPECIAL> with Jonguppie ^^ (Source: princessbangster @ tumblr)

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[FanArt] //โยนใส่ bangster =.,= cr:kimjjong

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[FANART] BangChan VICTORY Just married [cr:kasuka36 via:bangsterkuma]

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