画質 高画質

The first ever drawing I've done of the Ylisse siblings. I still love this one a lot 💙💚💛

I hope everyone is having good luck with the new banner!

60 235

Rio'Len is a 3-Star support striker, her banner starts on Imperium servers in early 997.M41!

Went back and added halos on pixiv and the... alts... on fanbox. The Tau do not possess mankind's divinity and so would not have halos, but craven xenos propagandists wouldnt know that. https://t.co/6JZDPc8uvC

31 168

I got... 2 freedom sworns in 10 pulls at pity 0??????????????????? JUST LIKE LAST TIME I PULLED ON NEUVI'S BANNER WEAPON

...followed by 1 tome at pity 25... !!!!!

and then I got 3 Neuvi and lost 50/50 twice to... c4 dehya and tighnari lmao

the luck is rotten hahahaha

0 22

It has come to the attention of the Comissarriat that a popular mobile game's recent banner "Rio'Len" may in fact be INSIDIOUS xenos propaganda.

ALL GUARDSMEN are reminded that downloading, installing and launching any such application would be an act of TREASON.

137 807

Mob chan banner..

91 740

Prsk! Siapa yg udah siap ngepull untuk rerun banner white day besok☝️selain siapin crystal, sender juga udah siapin sajen(art) buat knight touya🫡

10 77

Updating new banner for 'BlueArchive TSF' series on my pixiv. Scared if I actually played the game... it could have ended same as Genshin..

28 266

graphic design is not my passion but i drew a banner thing for myself to use for con display but basically just doodled lil things that I like ....

3 226

Hello! I am honour to be one of the feature artist of Uwu Market in 2024! My artwork will be showcased in Uwu land!
I heard there's gonna be a big banner of my art? 👀
If you're there, do check it out! (and pic pls)

19 87

Cung babu! yang seneng sama banner Chronicled 🙋
YSSA (Yang bucin Standar Standar Aja)
Akhirnya sender bisa pensi lebih awal karena sekarang bisa guaranteed Chara standar, lebih dekat dengan C6 Chara kesayangan sender 🥹✨
✊Pantang pensi sebelum C6✊

38 421

バンダイ様から3月1日発売の海外向けTCGバトルスピリッツSAGA第4弾【savior of chaos】にて「BannerAngel」「Deepwalker」描かせていただきました❗宜しくお願い致します❗

4 13

Babu! Sender iseng ngitung berapa kali setiap chara udh muncul bannernya dan ini adalah list-nya. Jadi nanti kalo ada banner chronicles lagi kita bisa memperkirakan chara berikutnya yg rerun siapa aja krn banner chronicles bakalan munculin chara yg minimal udh pernah (cont..)

12 163

tehe! kalo dipikir-pikir banner baru lebih keras dari banner limited soalnya bisa kalah 50:50 dan fate point yang bikin jadi "rate on" ga berlanjut ke chronicle banner berikutnya

5 140

babu! dh siap silahturahmi blm sama doi di abbys 4.5? (spekulasi soalnya ada duo geo di banner besok).

0 3

babu! jadi kalian pull siapa besok di patch 4.5? atau mau pull di banner dengan konsep baru?

42 845

sender habis kespook jean di bannernya yaksha, minta build support kalian dong terutama buat jean C2 😔😔😔. makasih babu!

0 2

New banner for the rainy weather

136 1053

Repainted an old Izuna drawing. Anyone rolling on her banner?

44 233