Chegando no dia 3 com o Baraka, sempre quando eu era criança eu achava a coisa mais incrível isso de ele ter lâminas como espadas saindo do braço, infelizmente nunca joguei bem com ele.

6 32

No kidding, this is the KP I want

NRS has done a good job improving some characters, Stryker, Smoke, Bo 'Rai Cho, Tremor, Baraka, Reiko himself and they made more people like Nightwolf

0 1

" - Baraka, tekamenu baka baka" ( tarkatanish)



- KYAAAAA " ( screams in tarkatan)

Courage is a good start but God knows where it'll lead to

8 74

Hey Baraka, whats wrong ? Hahahahah

23 106