📺 [A WEEK IN THE WORLD] Cartooning for Peace is tonight at 7:10pm on to present cartoons on the
operation, the extension of the parliamentary freeze in & Emmanuel (The Netherlands) & Antonio (Portugal)

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📺 [A WEEK IN THE WORLD] Cartooning for Peace is tonight at 7:10pm on to present cartoons on the the end of Operation in the Sahel, the deconfinement in France and Europe and the launch of the ✏ Heng (Singapore) & (Belgique)

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« Quand j’ai vu les AK47, comme mon chef de patrouille, je ne me suis plus posé de question. Je savais que le contact allait être imminent. »
Action de feu du groupement Centurion du lors de l'opération Monclar (#Barkhane)
➡️ https://t.co/RFsZPmMGik

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