Updated my old Ehlek fanart, planning to maybe draw some of the other Barraki when I have the time

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6/6 Barraki warlord, Pridak the King.
"the ruthless king of the League of Six Kingdoms, his prowess knows no equal."

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5/6 Barraki Warlord, Takadox.
"Cunning, Traitor, Backstabber, Manipulator, Brain-washer."

19 79

4/8 Barraki warlord, Kalmah.
"Brutal, efficient, and a reluctant member"

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Oh man, I was a big Bionicle kid I loved the Nova I also owned some bhorok-kal matanui, piraka and whenua hordika and ehlek (barraki) and owned this big build

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Pero la guerra contra los Barraki había inspirado al makuta Teridax a tomar el control del mundo matoran, por lo que abandonó a sus 6 guardaespaldas, los Toa Hagah (Los que habían sido mutados y habían ayudado a liberar MetruNui) e inició un golpe de estado contra Miserix

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Convirtiéndose en monstruos Marinos conocidos como los Barraki, incapaces de respirar aire y relegados a las profundidades marinas.

Estos seres se pelean entre si por obtener la máscara que les devolvería su forma normal y les permitiría volver a la superficie tras un milenio.

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Barraki concept art by Christopher Woollett

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Speaking of Takadox, a good while back, I had drawn the Barraki pre-mutation. So why not revisit it now? Here's the original, and the new in line work, hatching, and shaded.

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Although these squid-firing wannabe conquerors also have a soft spot in my heart.

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