Work in progress featuring Kloe from the Trails series - office pinup series edition.

The basecolours were quickly applied, I'll fix it as soon as I can and shade her properly. xD

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Super quick and not even completely basecoloured Laura S. Arseid.
Do you still like her? xD

2 10

Some more work in progress.
Rixia is wearing a Halloween outfit for Lloyd, next time better check what Ilya brought you... xD

These are merely basecolours, they always look super dull, but I hope you still like it so far! :D

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Just some "quick" basecolouring, it's a work in progress, but I do hope you like Kloe! She's really giving her best, or do you think she looks weird? 🤔

To me it's a sequel to the previous post:

12 45

I missed "step 7" 🙃

"add the pupiles in a darker colour based on your basecolour"

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Young Arty shares an ice cream with Flumpie!🌱

Line art complete | Base colour complete

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Updated another old Emote. Step by step process from 'Draft', 'LineArt', 'BaseColour' and 'Final Tones/Shadow/Highlight'. A lovely addition to my channel.

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New update: work in progress basecolours and more lineart fixing of the sketch! I added a grey blurry background only for visibility reasons for the basecolours, it will be replaced later

Have a nice weekend everyone!

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idk, i think i like the basecolour more than the finished one😔

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Another this one is even basecoloured!

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new stream overlay? idk for what tho
i did the linework + basecolours on stream

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wow okay uh idk what to think of this (all the basecolours are done except the eyes)
I'm not really good with colour schemes so feedback would be great. Especially for the hair colour and stuff

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Sweet Rose for OCtober 26~
It's probably just tomato juice. Probably.
I also loved how it looked in basecolours so I added that!

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Update on the progression of those designs.

Basecolours & advanced + epic armor rough sketch.

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basecolours and general shading

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