Burnt Basque cheesecake for my birthday UvU

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Turns out she doesn't love us.

(this 4-koma was part of the drawings I made for the Basque Cheesecake video. please watch it)

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Woman at the Window by Henri Lebasque

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Kageyama volley
Kageyama mago
Kageyama cazador de demonios
Kageyama jugador de basquet

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"Basque Cheesecake" is now available to listen to on digital streaming platforms!


(Album art by and )

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Artist William Adolphe Bouguereau (1825–1905)
"Italian girl with basque tambourine",1872

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El kumo era un estudiante normal, aveces era el mas inteligente en una materia, en otras era el mas tonto, Dejo el fut por el basquet, despues se intereso en las monas chinas, se la pasaba jugando con tazos y cartas, y en 11 jugábamos al baseball con una bola de papel. https://t.co/dL8uV9Ikck

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The lavendière in the Basque Country, by Nandor VAGH-WEINMANN.

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Resumen de mi vida escolar: callada, me la pasaba leyendo, dibujando y viendo series en clase pero igual tenía buenas calificaciones porque era una maestra en el arte de copiar durante los exámenes 🐯🤟
Tenía amigos, sí, y solíamos jugar basquetbol durante y después de clases 😎 https://t.co/1AdUXp56fG

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Bruno segundo jogador de basquete do meu time de basquete fictício, segue aí pra ver os próximos jogadores 🤘❤️

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Meu projeto de criar jogadores de basquete furro kkkk, esse é o Leonardo mas podem chamar ele de Lambchop jogador brasileiro de basquete onde os competidores usam aparatos tecnológicos pra tornar o jogo mais emocionante. Espero que tenha gostado ❤️🤘

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campeão intergalactico de basquete🏀

♥️➕🔄= 😁

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That is simply wrong Rebecca Doodles. I'm ballin' bitch! You will never take my BAZKITBAULS! I be hooping more than i shooting thats how good i am. i will beat you in basquetbael! I would win in a 1v1 between You & Me by Tally Hall. Tally Basketball. *ball bounce* *swish* https://t.co/UQ4Yy26P8N

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A real honor to design the logo of one of my collectors for his company [ Batch cooking ]

The criteria were:
♦️The Shaka 🤙🏻
♦️Some elements from the French region “ Le pays basque”.

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Si vede subito quando
uno legge.
Chi legge, chi legge veramente,
è altrove.

Amélie Nothomb

🖌Henri Lebasque

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In Basque mythology, the eguzkilore (eguzki=sun and lore=flower) is a quite mystical flower. Amalur, the goddess of the land, gave the eguzkilore to men to protect them from the evil spirits and the sorginak (witches) who would get out at night 1/3

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