NomnomNami's first VN, "her tears were my light," is coming to Steam IN LATE SEPTEMBER--with extras!

A photo studio, a bonus gallery with dev commentary, and, of course, full localisations to Spanish and Basque 😊

Find all the relevant links 🔽 below🔽

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And finally, some honorable mentions for Smaugust. These were meant to be for a Chaoskampf set, each representing an extinction event or disaster of Earth's history.

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We finally reached our second to last stop. Bilbao, the capital of Basque Country and home of Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum which we will look at soon. But first a wander around the nearby streets.


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rengokuzinho jogador de basquete que nunca postei aqui 🏀

❤ + 🔁 = 😀👍

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BOM, eu tentei. Kirishima na minha cabeça sempre será mais bronzeado, fortão e jogador de basquete sla

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O astro do basquete na Woodlawn High, Connor Young é um rapaz diagnosticado com esclerose múltipla que acabou herdando o Amuleto Raptor que o faz vestir uma armadura alienígena. Ele é o 2° a usar o manto de Falcão de Aço, sendo o sucessor de Chris Powell.

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Sapinho na bolinha de basquete
To tentando algo diferente, oq ces acham?

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The Jentilak were a race of cave dwelling giants that ruled the mountains of the pre-Christian Basque Country. Having colossal strength, they built many stone features, ie, churches, castles & bridges. To amuse themselves they played pilota with huge stones.

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Ontem eu e a batemos o recorde nesse jogo de basquete num shopping da cidade

E aki uns desenhos da máquina maldita de plush que fez a gente perder R$ 33,00

Mais uma memória que vou guardar mt bem 👉👈✨

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Barn swallows and the park ....... Urdaibai Golondrinas - En DIRECTO | Enarak Zuzenean | Live Swallows Basque country.......... https://t.co/LGefEb9aFX (Image: BHL)

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El t-rex basquetbolista ha visitado tu timeline. Dale RT para que nada sea imposible hoy 🦖

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fiz pro me baseei na roupa que uso pra ir jogar basquete

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Lonely Wolf Treat: The Complete Series, by NomnomNami, is now out FOR FREE!!🐺🐰🦊
It combines the previously-episodic story of Treat into one game, with the 8th chapter and epilogue coming in future updates. Spanish/Basque localisations are coming too!
Find all the links below⬇️

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Ritsu Matsuno, pansexual

Indie, fã de obras de horror, jogos independentes, filmes antigos e da cultura gótica. Ama bichinhos, cachorros acima de td~
Os únicos esportes que gosta é basquete e natação.
Só não reprova nas provas por milagre.
(mt informação?? 🥹)

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Finally startin those nationality doodles I mentioned a bit ago, naturally we start with Euskaldunak!

BLAABR is set in a fictional Basque island city so most characters are Basque or some mix of french or ethnic groups of Spain. For time sake I only doodled Marko and Nekane~

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