Futbol: Taichi, Daisuke & Takuya
Boxeo: Masaru
Ciclismo: Taiga
Basquet: Takeru, Taiki, Tagiru & Yuu

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New artwork for sale! - "Basque in Deep Red" -

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Showgirl & actress Lina Basquette c. 1920s, practicing her steps 28 floors up on the roof of the Hotel Commodore.

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"Terrasse à Morgat" Henri Lebasque 1924

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Hazy Basque forests of ancient trees pruned for charcoal photographed by Oskar Zapirain

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My latest map illustration of the Basque country from the new August issue of

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'The Beach'
Henri Lebasque (1865-1937)

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Red Nude oil painting for sale with basque and stockings. -

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New artwork for sale! - "Basque in Deep Red" -

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New artwork for sale! - "Basque in Deep Red" -

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"The Alley of Jars at Pradet" : (1865-1937)

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'Olive Trees, Morning; near Cannes'
Henri Lebasque, c.1916

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'Still Life'
Henri Lebasque (1865-1937)

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