Brienne has been collecting things from the cool places we travel to bring home to her 2 year old daughter, Ariel 💕 This one is a music box from the City of Brass.

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Get yourself a man who’ll get up in the middle of the night to rock your daughter back to sleep after she wakes up fussy 🥺❤️

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spicy, but not spicy enough for main…. 😏

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Designed Brienne’s new magical tattoo today.

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Doodled Brienne’s daughter today! Ariel Eberstark 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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These two are too cute I stg. Their relationship is starting to shift into something more romantic leaning and I’m 🥺💕

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Sooooo Brienne may or may not totally be a werewolf now 😱💙

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Added onto Brienne’s angelic form to closer to how I actually imagine it.

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Daughter of the Star Wanderer ✨#bastardswit

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Brienne’s little sister Melody was among one of the people we saved last session 🥺 They hadn’t seen each other in like 2 years.

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SO our souls swapped bodies and Chy ended up being in Brie, and he ended up seeing her naked (after her permission to have him take a shower), and now he can't look directly at her and it's SO CUTE.

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This is our party’s divination wizard Little Rainbow! They’re an absolute sweetheart and they’re one of Brienne’s best friends.

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