"Vicious Bat", 2022
Do you know, that vampire bats can share blood mouth-to-mouth with their mates. Also they have a good memory, so they remember who shared food with them and who didn’t, and then they don’t share blood with those greedies 🦇

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Time to play catch-up!

Day 5, 6 & 7: "Bat", "Music" & "Cage"

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Jour 3 de l'#inktober avec pour thème le mot "chauve-souris" en français.

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19) sketches/concepts of the character designs for "aerobat", which is a job/class in RSAoD, one of my 300 story ideas.

The 2nd and 3rd images are complete, & just here to show how these design ended up looking

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I asked what animal would be if he were in sing, he comically replied "Fruit Bat", so here it is, Elton John as a Fruit Bat.

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An art attack on , and yes "Blythe Bat", that's her name, right? for an adora-bat she is? owo <3

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En el "Resident Evil" del cine se inventaron a Alice. En la nueva "Mortal Kombat", a Cole. En ambas sagas hay muchos personajes interesantes que se quedaron sin salir. Creo que las películas habrían sido mejores si hubiesen sido más fieles a los juegos. ¿Qué opináis?

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"Sabat", 24+/- | Gay | He-Him

Sabat is a grumpy-looking ex-soldier, who travels around with a group of “adventurers” to find a cure to his problem; His best friend died, is stuck inside his body and they need to take turns to control it.


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On a day like today, Italian painter and sculptor Michelangelo was born: March, 6, 1475 (d. 1564)
“Michael Angelus Bonarotus Florentinus faciebat", quiere decir, "Miguel Ángel Buonarroti, el florentino, lo hizo.”

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Bronze Bat Ryiimova (Age 25)

When you hear her title "The Bronze Bat", shivers follow. Her abilities alone make her an extremely dangerous foe. She is the daughter of the Silver Spazma & is respect highly amongst her fellow sibling.


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🚨 URGENTE: Acaba de sair mais um ator na lista do elenco do filme reboot "#MortalKombat", com o ator Daniel Nelson interpretando o Kabal. Isso possivelmente confirma um rumor vazado à alguns meses atrás, será que ele tá vindo? 🚨

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Albert Joseph Pénot was a French painter known for female nudes and landscapes. Today he is more popularly recognized for a subset of paintings centering on women of darker, more macabre themes
🎨"La Femme Chauve-Souris", circa 1890
"Départ pour le Sabbat", 1910

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"Combat", 1965 by Lee Krasner.

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Capa do primeiro volume do mangá "Hypnosis Mic - Divison Rap Battle-side DH & BAT", escrito por Yuichiro Momose e ilustrado por Kiko Aiba.

A obra sai dia 16 de outubro no Japão.

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: Au niveau des évènements...

- "Évènement secondaire : Garçon Élexcentrique", du 30/09 au 15/10.

- "Évènement secondaire : Des friandises ou un sort !", du 15/10 au 02/11.

- "Évènement Œufs Glace et Combat", du 22/10 au 05/11.

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Em spoilers vazados do filme "Mortal Kombat", o ator Nathan Jones irá ter um papel importante no filme e irá representar nada menos que Reiko.

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Popobawa is a Swahili name which translates literally as "bat-wing" (from Swahili popo, "bat", and bawa, "wing"). This name is said to have originated as a description of the dark shadow cast by the spirit when it attacks at night:

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Illustration originale en l'honneur de l'épisode 05 intitulé "La veille du combat", de War of Underworld.
Diffusion en SIMULCAST ce samedi à 17:30 sur


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"De la littérature comme sport de combat", 7e et 8e leçons le mardi 20 février à 16h30 et 17h30

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"Départ pour le Sabbat", Albert Joseph Pénot (1910)

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