All I can really say at this point is the art CONTINUES to be NEXT 👏 LEVEL 👏
I plan to mint some for myself soon! Also hope to find some in-game on Batleth Qonos ✊

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This one is amazing. Insane evolution in Batleth QonoS. Come start your own mythic journey. Loving this game.

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Play to Earn- so many have promised it is coming and now it is here at . My was in Batleth Qonos when he found a "Rare Vein of Liquid METL" which netted 5 $METL. I can forge and earn 1% monthly or I can swap for eth right now.

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This week's colour: Mosaic Blue.

Science Officer blue + DS9 rewatch + a bit of a Trill kick from the new season of Discovery = Jadzia Dax 👽

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A commish I did in a TMNT theme sketchbook. I knew that the owner was a Star Trek fan and since I designed the Playmates Trek /TMNT action figures I thought that this would work nicely.

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