Reptillus and his battlesaur raptorian guard :V.

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That Bo Peep have beautiful dress like that while she has prisoner at land of the Battlesaur.

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While Woody try to save Bo Peep after been catch by the priest in Battlesaurs palace. Suddenly Woody got shooted by the priest.

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She is Queen of Battlesaurs always lead the army and command the country. She is always kind to anyone.

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The person that design this dino dude for that toy story short know it was doing, IT KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT IT WAS DOING WHEN THEY PUT ABS ON THIS DINO MAN!!!!

(A request pic I did for my page)

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The Toy Story that Time Forgot has a special place in my 80s kid heart since it brought us... ”An enigma wrapped in mystery! We've battled every foe, Since before the dawn of history! History! Battlesaurs! Battlesaurs! Battlesaurs!”

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Trigger did this intro for Battlesaurs

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Imagine if 'Battlesaurs' from That Time Forgot was a real from the '80s!

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