The BATTOUSAI! Tell me his full name 😎
One of my favorite ever animes 🔥💥💯só good do u agree?

0 9


(Marvel VS Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin)

-Random Encounter
-Kenshin can tap into Battousai

Who wins, and why?

4 10

Ver las ovas de Rurouni Kenshin me dio mucha nostalgia :,)
Así que hice un dibujo.

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"Yaksha Bonanus" by H-Battousai

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✨Himura Kenshin✨

Estoy enamorada de este personaje desde pequeña y nunca le hice ninguna ilustración en digital hasta ahora! Espero que os guste tanto como a mí!!🥰💕

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Throwback Rurouni Kenshin movie fanart 🥰
I still really like how this turned out, painted this right after The Beginning was announced 🤧 I was so excited bec I really love the tragedy love story hhh~

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Genshin Impact Nanogahara Yoimiya art by H.Battousai
« Here come the fireworks ! »🎆

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Anya Forger
Pixiv UID :

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6. Kenshin Himura
I've seen a pattern here of men with sword and ya know that tracks. I'll admit I have uhhh a type, perhaps. Specifically Trust and Betrayal Kenshin drives me bonkers--full battousai.

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Battousai is that you? 💀💀💀

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Psicologo: El Joe Battousai no existe, no puede hacerte daño

El Joe Battousai:

2 32

naise! thanks cool gila artwork brother ni. battousai !

3 27

(DC VS Samurai X)

Random Encounter

Location: Open Field

Can the Dark Knight topple the Battousai? Who wins, and why?

3 14