Another ally of Jessie and Hiro I want to pump out before October ends. Meet Marie, the manananggal fashion model. She usually helps Jessie and Hiro by being transportation but she is a master at wind magic.

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Another Halloweeny art, this time a side character for a story. His name is Enrique Panganiban, a tikbalang and a master illusionist who is begrudgingly a mentor character to Jessie.

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Polished some of my ocs design (and giving Regal and Jonathan a total makeover)

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Some characters I made whom I use to experiment like posing and colors.

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What if Jessie conducts her magic through her scarf like how Lisa Lisa conducts hamont through her scarf? What am I saying, it's canon.

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To destress myself from school, have a sleeping doggo

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<Day 21:memes>
Took this one from into the Spiderverse. ((It was hasty so that's why it looks lazy))

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<Day 20:in another style>
I tried to emulate the Persona Q art style for jesse while the background is supoosed to be like a comic book.

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<Day 18:hurt>
I pray the bird app doesn't ruin the quality since I like this style of drawing I do.

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<Day 17:dancing>
Hiro and Jessie bullies Helena with the Tinikling dance.

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<Day 16:cooking>
Introducing a new character called "Dr.Eric Mario dela Cruz" who is a professional Psychologist and a Tarot Card reader.

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<Day 15:Modern/Sci fi AU>
I'm taking a page from Alien for this piece. What I can only say is, poor Philip.

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<Day 14: historical/fantasy setting>
Since is already urban fantasy I chose the Philippine revolution era. I changed their names and skin a bit to fit the setting.

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<Day 10:enemies>
Since deals with Filioino myrholoy and Folklore how can I not add the aswangs?

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<Day 4: initial designs>
This is the earliest reference of them I could get my hands on. The colors and design become more simplified because I'm planning to make them a comic.

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Have this Persona 5 All out attack inspired piece of art of my characters from

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So I made character cards for some of the characters in here are 5 but Twitter only supports 4 pics apparently so I'll post the fifth later.

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