Drawing of Viola from Bayonnetta. A very cool character.
did a wonderful job.

3 12

Makes me so angry that the VA for Bayonnetta is proven nothing but a liar and making actual VAs that are treated like crap look like a joke. All because someone wanted more money.

I'm honestly super disapointed.. how fucking hard is it to be honest jfc?

0 6

Salut la team ! Je vous suis depuis l’EPB de Bayonnetta vs Mettaton et depuis j’ai pas raté un seul EPB. Je vous adore tellement hâte de vous revoir en convention ! ❤️ voici un petit dessin pour vous !

7 61

I'd be freakin' astonished if Hideki Kamiya thought I was cool enough to get blocc'd.
(Bayonnetta, riendonut and axel-rosered)

18 101

Repostando aqui só pra lembrar que Bayonnetta fez 10 anos! ✨❤️

9 45