Inktober Day 20 - Frost
Pokemon Armor Project - Bede and Yuuri arguing while freezing... at least it'll warm them up? 🔥

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Inktober Day 18 - Saddle
Pokemon Armor Project - Bede and his Rapidash... what a fabulous knight he is lol✨

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bede and opal 🔥🔥🔥

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剣盾よりビートくん Bede

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1) He is so drippy I love it. 2) He wasn't in Pokemon Journeys, and i'm angy about it. 3) He is very drippy - wait, I said that-

~Pink Tags~

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this one's hard but probably this guy being stuck in the most dogshit pokemon game and all. bede and clara too

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I now have them all. Bede, Hop and Marnie.

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BEDE MY BELOVED 🫶🫶🫶 i'm still so so happy he came home i've been screaming over him ever since the datamine dropped. he's perfect

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Fairy time with Opal and Bede ^^ This illustration was SO much fun to do!

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Bede's galarian articuno energy really is just Kuja's alt in Dissidia NT

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A commissioned piece of client’s OC, Bede, Eevee, and Hatenna! 💖

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The way i used all my saved gems to get marnie only for me to get her during the last pull before i maxed out my scout points ☠️☠️☠️☠️ at least she’s at 2/5 now. Bede came home with a single pull after her like-

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My trainersona maia... fighting type specialist from the master dojo. shoved with bede 🙇🙇

They met in the galar mine... she was unfamiliar with the area and bede in his infinite wisdom got annoyed she wasn't following him despite the fact he stated he would not help!!! silly

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old bede cuz I'm drawing him again so let this hold u over for now

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