AcidCats P2

TOAClub Season 2
??????? (this one!!)

the word 'building' doesnt even cover it...

22 65

Tomorrow, first ever holder giveaway!

📍 Join Discord https://t.co/iQH4cLvRjR
📍 Verify your Alien Doodle
🎁 BeenzOnAcid & Galexys

2 14

+🎁 For upcoming holder giveaway with

- PotluckProtocol DoodleOni & DoodleCrew
- TEENSONACID AcidCats & BeenzOnAcid
- Avax DoodledLlama
- Lzoey BitWitches Haunted
- Avax Cosmic Frens
- Galexys

More to come!

6 14

Phase Two of the collection

A 3333 generative collection, traversable across $FTM and $AVAX. This is an epic collection and a good starting point along with if you want to start your Acidverse journey.

Grab these on , and .

2 14

Just rolling into the evening here. Have a great Thursday, enjoy Spaces and the G2 premint 🤙

4 9

Boss: 'do anything productive today?'

me: 'absolutely, maximum creativity'

my (will work for AKUltra)

4 17

It's reveal day and to celebrate lets do some TWO on $FTM up for grabs

1. LIKE and RT
2. Tag 2 and include the tag
3. Follow me, , , and

152 176

Join us tonight at 7pm ET for our Coin Flip Thursday with and the crew!

24h NFT bounty hunt on https://t.co/Ceddmx4Kzn where
- highest winner/loser
- most losses/wins in a row
will each get one of these NFTs!

8 13

Mentioned this on Discord but we took 's advice for and if you mint one of these rare traits you get the other collection's NFT as well

$FTM https://t.co/DZz4OdZOHH

7 17

what if we published an Acidverse book, a big fat ass 200+ page book featuring Astrokids, AcidCats and Beenz, and all of you from the community can contribute by telling us what your kid/cat/beenz means to you?

Are you down?

20 63

What a bear market its been. Feeling so lucky to hold DAO card, woke up winning Ultimate Doodled Punks and a BeenzonAcid in MM Discord giveaway 🙏💜 Thank you and all Moon masters! If you don't hold a MM yet, do it before the floor will rocket 🚀🌌

9 17

I'm stoked to have managed to mint one from the community collection on today. Congrats to & all the artist who participated. Loving the vibes on this one !

1 11

the Beenz Community Collection launches 13/7 at 8:00 P.M UTC! Good luck to whoever mints my all pink baddie beenz, if you list it i'll be chasing!

20 57

Interested in scrolling through more unique submissions?

Well, hop in our discord for the collection’s relevant channel - this is where the magic happens!

Here's 's submission - the aspiring artist behind the original collection


4 16

Hey , I can’t find my anywhere. Have they all been 🔥?

10 55

You aren't going to want to miss the over 90 artists and around 140 1/1 pieces. I present to you the ...

$FTM https://t.co/ElLp2RnYgU

13 43