Ummmm hi my love language is touch and im so unbelievably touch starved I think if someone kissed me id faint okay bye

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whoops repost bc I forgot to shade some parts-
my back up necromancer who's a forlorn elf

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maybe if I draw Felicity being mentally stable for once I will be too

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sorry I draw Felicity so much but she got a puppy in our last session sooo

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pic i spent 4+ hours on: trash, hate it, garbage
shitty 5 minute doodle of myself looking dead inside: perfect, amazing, accurate

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"I'm a burden and I'm hurting. Go easy on me, I'm learning."

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"I love the thought of being with you, or maybe its the thought of not being so alone."

I meant to post this like a week ago whoops

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"How could anybody have you and lose you and not lose their mind too?"

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needed a reaction image so have Tennis!

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finally drew this pic thats been living in my brain

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i decided I didnt like the pic of Ginger I drew originally so I drew a new one while looking at references

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if youre wondering how Im doing i just started crying because I saw a squirrel so it isnt going great

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