Ah ah, parce qu'ils auraient souhaité qu'on continue de se marrer. Bel hommage !

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掲載許可頂きましたので早速!みのしん様(http://t.co/3u8onfLamn)よりbel fioreのキャラクター達を描いて頂きました(*´∀`*)左からアナスタシア・クロエ・クラウド・ティア・エリーゼ・ディオニスです!

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un percorso d'#arte emozionante,riproposto dal bel progetto multiregionale http://t.co/qf67frk3rW

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Here is the WIP for the colouring of Roland. Another character for Le Bel et la Bête

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i've never thought of bel wearing sailor outfit until now :3

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to when I shared the throne of Bel Air

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Non è facile avere un bel giardino: è difficile come governare un regno...H.Hesse-E.Munch
B.serata. :)

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Nouveau : Bel hommage à Corto Maltese par Stefano Babini http://t.co/oUzkNaMbQi

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James Avery from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Need to finish it.

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桜高新歓5まで1週間ですが、ようやく新刊入稿を終えました。2冊目は合同本「彼女達の季節」です。 参加者は屑コウ、しずぷ、あるき、しょうのすけ、ckst、BEL-TREEです。よろしくお願い致します!

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Bel article sur la société d'effets spéciaux Industrial Light & Magic : http://t.co/7lGkDKQyIO via

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i need to post more crappy doodles on twitter so have some bel redesign yeeeh

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唯ちゃんから許可を頂いたので…!bel fiore・bel fiore-紅/rosso-のティアとティアラでラブライブの「告白日和、です!」のイラスト(唯ちゃん作)と歌を頂きました!!!歌は近日HPに公開予定です!!!可愛すぎる!!!

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drawing continues on day 3. Watching Liam Broady (GBR) play David Goffin (BEL) live on

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Nylah and a couple of Mama Bel

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Belle surprise que cette visite du un bien bel endroit

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Touko and Bel (Pokémon Black and White Versions)

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Tarja Shine Wuormaus, un bien bel oiseau tout bleu au bord du Loch Ness...

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CONDIVIDO IL SUO PENSIERO! D'altronde, il suo bel volto radioso la dice lunga sui benefici spiritua

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