Uncle Phil and Uncle Iroh playing together in the spirit world (sajol_artworks) [avatar] [fresh prince of bel air]
artist https://t.co/xhFI4sRp5A

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Will's reaction when he sees the *indifferent duck from bel air*👀

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My new website https://t.co/q88GU8ODjq is up and going! It's fairly unchanged although I've given it a sweet spring clean! ALSO, I've brought back Urp! but he's now got a new role in checking out and commenting on Earth's news! This headline was picked up from

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Al fin llegué a un planeta de lo más elegante
y le dije al taxista ponte desodorante 🎶
Mirando mi reino finalmente pensé
ha llegado el principito de todo Bel-Air
¡Aaaaa! 🕶️

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Today's Voice Artist Spotlight: James Avery
Bio: https://t.co/wnYc7Cs5n1
IMDb: https://t.co/vNMeYAxp7P
Born: Nov. 27, 1948
Died: Dec. 31, 2013
Notable Roles: Shredder (TMNT), Uncle Phil (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air), War Machine

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"Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air"

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It's so nice to see that there is a I loved the show back in the day.

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I'm not crying, you're crying. You guys, the reunion was so good I dropped everything and had to pump this out this morning. Thank you for doing this. Super wholesome.

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In west philadelphia born and raised ... my illustration of the legend will smith ... hope you like

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Will Smith e Carlton Banks de “Um maluco no pedaço” mais uma série que marcou minha infância - FanArt!

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