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벨레그의 죽음
Death of Beleg
투린 눈이 너무 땡그래졌당
#turin #beleg #Silmarillion
A história do beleguim que tentou conter a invasão de uma forasteira 💥🔫👮♂️
Este é o estado que alguns dos beleguins das Masmorras Santacrúz ficaram após tentarem parar a Forasteira invasora 👮♂️🩹 https://t.co/KmeunM6yqa
Tolkien character of the day is Beleg from The Silmarillion! Requested by anonymous
Art credit to Elena Kukanova
Tolkien character of the day is Beleg from The Silmarillion! Requested by anonymous
Art credit to Naomi Butello and Double Sunday
„Bundesverfassungsgericht weist Beschwerde für Tempolimit ab:
Notwendigkeit für Klimaschutz sah BVG nicht ausreichend belegt“
#tempolimit #klimaschutz #AutoLobby #schwarwel
Beleg - Kimberly80
#LordOfTheRings #LOTR #TheRingsOfPower #silmarillion #art #painting
Rounding out the set is King Belegar Ironhammer and Runelord Thorek Ironbrow (these dwarfs sure do love their iron, it seems).
@JaschaLamar @RaguJJ @EbonyWarriorX @elijahwood @LOTRonPrime @DonMarshall72 @DomsWildThings @BillyBoydActor The only art from 1937 is Tolkien's own for the Hobbit of which seemingly only two portrayed Elves.
One had a Swanship near the Halls of Manwe (the steers-elf's skin looks blue), and one portraying Beleg finding Gwindor (neither elf looks "fair" as in light coloured).
Turin and Beleg's house .I made the Dragon-helm of Dor-lomin
#FFXIVHousing #FF14Housing #HousingEden
Time to go epic with Justin Gerard's blockbuster Glaurung and the Dwarf King (2011). I'm particularly struck here by the neo-Roman aesthetic of the Belegost Dwarves, flame and shadow meets uber-Asterix. Check out the fire-proof guys with the murmillo-style dragon helms #Tolkien
Phoebe Legere: Retrospective #art #music @BundyMuseum June 3rd opening Details at Phoebe @Legere fan blog: https://t.co/w7l7wMSRhI "Evanescent Landscapes/Vanishing Women" #historic #justice #paintings #PhoebeLegere
1956 war Lys Assia die erste Gewinnerin des Grand Prix Eurovision de la Chanson mit dem Lied „Refrain“ für die Schweiz; dafür erhielt sie eine Goldene Schallplatte. 1957 trat sie auf & belegte den vorletzten Platz. Auch 1958 war sie dabei und wurde Zweite. #ESC2022 #Eurovision