
14 195

สัปดาห์จจสของชาวไทยอย่างดิฉัน belike :

571 400

when i thinking belike

1065 5351

yeah my team in the Simulated Universe 5 belike:

1800 12281

Ace's reaction belike (yes im sure you'll understand why lol)

0 2

กุมาทำไรที่นี่ belike:

0 0

Naoko is one of the 10 characters in . She also has her own Twitter account with her own AI personality, but recently she was banned. Who bans an AI bot for talking her mind ??

12 39


18 62

rois 93話在我腦子裡belike😧😧

40 289


7 54


1 23

Me waiting for the kickstarter of The O.Z belike:

1 10