Armor description:

"Solid armor made from black iron, embellished with blood-red rubies. The cloak is made from the wings of giant bats in Limgrave. This armor was crafted specifically for Hanneli - the elite knight of House Hoslow."

384 2932

I was 3.5 year out of college and depressed to the point of googling “painless s*icide”. Decided to jump head first into fulltime freelance at a firm where I wound up drawing and animating for huge multinational brands despite an overembellished resume and crap drawings

0 10


hank you for your request!
I hope you like it ✨
(I re-delivered it because I forgot to embellish it! Sorry )

22 67

Catching up on posting some recent collage art using recycled computers, chipboard, resin and metal embellishments

1 0

2 dibujos seguidos
I win


7 11

Bellissima serata Rita con tanti dolci pensieri ad entrambe 🤗🤗😘

1 1

Condivido questo bellissimo regalo di e vi ricordo che questa sera alle 21:00 ci sarà una live su per recuperare i contenuti che non siamo riusciti a concludere la volta scorsa!

1) 21:00 / 21:30 - The Dead Ends
2) 21:40 / 22:30 - E4S Eden's Gate:… https://t.co/mWRm138sX5

6 129

Ha comenzado el evento de pascua, los diálogos son bastante sosetes pero las imágenes como siempre son bellisimas <333

0 1

silly sketch for
and my first commission through

5 17

hi!.... would there be interest in this style of chibi? background embellishments might be an available option when i put them on ko-fi
tentative pricing $25 USD, + 3 for BG and +5 for complicated designs (if not selected i will simplify)

3 8

"Two Planets" coming this week to auction on Sunday. Physical paint pour with embellishments on a 12" x 16" Canvas & NFT no reserve. 🎉🚀🪐#FTM https://t.co/cTP3AQl1dd

3 12

Though Iranian dress code is strict, people always find ways to express themselves! Clothing is colorful and eye-catching, while ripped jeans and sheer embellishments show some personality. Like women in Tehran, my foxes also wear their headscarves pulled back to show their hair.

28 206

Oh Maxi, Ulyseon is just as big an embellisher as you. Like brother and sister.

0 12

Prenditi il tempo necessario per staccare la spina e resettare!
Lasciatevi ispirare da questa bellissima opera d'arte di , creata utilizzando e Per saperne di più: https://t.co/CJoABb5Hvz

0 3

Le Selkie, le fate foca
In Scozia e in IRLANDA SONO CHIAMATE LE CREATURE DEL Marine mutaforma e sono considerati i guardiani del mare
Il loro potere è nel manto e senza di esso non riescono a trasformarsi
Creature docili e bellissime, sia maschi o

7 18

Primer PNG por mi, y mi bellisimo PNG actual y diseño de personaje ya mejor establecido gracias a , también mi primer modelo por mi (todo feo jaja) y mi precioso modelo actual por :3 estoy muy feliz en cómo ha ido desencadenando mi imagen :D 💙 https://t.co/VhYCpRqjF5

2 13