Al-an and Robin my beloveds <333 Below Zero was phenomenal...

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Robin and Al-An one of few my fave hetero couples, bc they're so soft and sweet together:) It's quite different from my other ships

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smol subnautica fan art that I did some time ago featuring the smol guys
love them pls

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I've been exploring under water in What have you been up to today? 🥰

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ภาคใหม่ของ Subnautica กำลังจะมา ?
อ่านเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ :

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Sea Monkey.
Subnautica Below Zero.

I love this game, the best game series that I've played in a long time.😍

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Mañana vamos a estar con juap, y lo he dicho y lo seguiré diciendo a lo largo y ancho de esta semana: El próximo lunes empezamos partida nueva en de

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Someone has to deliver gifts to all the nice fish on 4546B after all 🎅 Happy holidays!💖#subnautica

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- что нас там ждет?
~ εςλи я оkαжγςь πоςλεδним πрεδςταβиτελεм ςβоεrо роδα, я иςπыταю ςkорбь δεςяτkоβ τыςяч γrαςαющиχ δγш.

- а если они выжили?
~ ς τобой я rоτоβ k λюбомγ иςχоδγ.


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