¡Toda la información de Arcturusmon y Proximamon en la Enciclopedia oficial de
Las digievoluciones de Gammamon que debutaron en su Dim BEMEMORY y que estarán en ya están registrados en https://t.co/rBcATSCxBh💻

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Digimon Evolution Vote vol. 2 will involve fans choosing Digimon to be featured on Bird/Angel & Insect/Plant-themed BEMEMORY Dims.

The Bird/Angel BEMEMORY Dim will feature 2 new Digimon called Luxmon (ルクスモン) and Arkai Angemon (アルケーエンジェモン), as well as Dominimon.

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𝘉𝘌𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘺 (𝘝𝘪𝘳𝘨𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘋𝘪𝘮)

Montei todo o banner, mas quem fez essa belíssima Virgomon (no estilo de Digimon Ghost Game) foi o

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BEMEMORY Angoramon Dim and line-up!!

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The BEMEMORY Gammamon Dim is also available for pre-order on Amazon, priced at ¥2,200. It also reveals that the name of Gammamon's Ultimate is Siriusmon (シリウスモン), named after the brightest star in the night sky.


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