He protecc,
he attacc,
but most importantly,
he a smol pyromaniac.

Wait, that sounds wrong...

Inspired by this: https://t.co/dzO7KQEpvw

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I just watched Be More Chill and OK I KNOW IM LATE BUT I love all the songs and the characters and the story! Here are some sketches of the main cast with monochromatic colours!

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My entry for 's DTIYS on Instagram.

Is it weird that I like drawing crying characters and tears?

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I has finished......jere.......... he is heere....

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*insert gay Bob Marley stan throwing Mountain Dew red at his boyfriend*

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Hearing belting, “IT’S FROM JAPAAANNN”, is the highlight of my life, just saying. I’ve been wanting to draw Troy Rich for what feels like months now and I finally got around to it.

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I have to share my beautiful boyf riends ❤️

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